Information afternoon for Master applicants

Wednesday, November 30 at 3pm in HPF, room G6


Dear Master applicants,

we invite you to an information afternoon for students interested in doing a master thesis in the TIQI group. The event will take place on Wednesday, November 30 at 3pm in HPF, room G6. Jonathan Home will first give an overview of the TIQI group. This will be followed by short presentations on potential master's projects by graduate students and postdocs in the group. Finally, you will have the opportunity to discuss the projects you are interested in with members of the group. Following the event, we invite you to visit the labs.

The event will be available online via Zoom at the following link:

The password to access the session can be requested at .

We have a number of open positions for experimental and theoretical Master's projects in the exciting field of ion trapping and quantum information processing.

We look forward to seeing you and hope you will enjoy the event!

Your TIQI team

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