Eight SNSF Starting Grants for ETH researchers
Four women and four men successfully applied for Starting Grants from the Swiss National Science Foundation via ETH Zurich.
Four SNSF Advanced Grants go to ETH Zurich researchers
A biologist, a neuroscientist, a materials scientist and a physicist have each been awarded one of the prestigious grants of the Swiss National Science Foundation.
Information afternoon for Master and Semester applicants
Friday, November 15 at 3pm in HPF, room G6
PhD and postdoc positions available in the TIQI Group
We are seeking for post-doctoral and PhD researchers across a range of topics in the group, but focussed particularly in the areas of Penning Trap Quantum Computing and Hydrogen Molecular Ions.
Information afternoon for Master and Semester applicants
Tuesday, April 30, at 3 p.m. in HPF, room G6