Integrated photonics for trapped ions

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Fig 1: An ion trap with integrated photonics coupled to an optical fiber array and mounted on a carrier PCB.

Waveguide-integrated beam delivery provides a number of benefits in surface ion traps over free-space addressing, including robustness to external vibrations, tight focusing, and the potential for scalability. In a first generation of traps with integrated photonics, we have utilized this this technology for several studies, demonstrating entangling gates and ion-light interaction in a passively-stable standing wave, all enabled by integrated photonics [1,2].
We are now working on further extending this technology and utilizing its capabilities for novel science and technology with trapped ions.

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Fig 2: Microscope pictures of the trap chip and close-up of the trapping zones with grating couplers.

Current Team Members
Alfredo Ricci Vasquez, Gillen Beck, Alexander Ferk, Dr. Henrik Hirzler

[1] K. K. Mehta, C. Zhang, M. Malinowski, T.-L. Nguyen, M. Stadler and J. P. Home, Integrated optical multi-ion quantum logic, external page Nature 586, 533-537 (2020)

[2] A. Ricci Vasquez, C. Mordini, C. Vernière, M. Stadler, M. Malinowski, C. Zhang, D. Kienzler, K. K. Mehta and J. P. Home, Control of an Atomic Quadrupole Transition in a Phase-Stable Standing Wave, external page Physical Review Letters 130, 133201 (2023)

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