Masters Students


Qianlong He, Master Student
After completing my double bachelor's degrees program established by Wuhan University and Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, I moved to ETHz to pursue my Master's degree. I was working on a semester project on the optical tweezer rearrangement algorithm in the EQE group, where I got a chance to learn about neutral atoms and optical tweezers. Now I am doing my master's thesis about the experiment design and implementation of the optical tweezers in TIQI.


Cyrill Durrer, Master Student
After my apprenticeship in Electronics I earned my Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering at Fachhochschule Luzern (HSLU). I continued as Scientific Assistant at HSLU working on FPGA circuits for power-line communication modems. One year later I started my Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering at ETH, where I specialized further in digital circuit design and implemented a neuron model for spiking neural networks as semester project. For my Master’s Thesis, I will develop a fast FPGA readout and processing of image data from a new qCMOS camera which will be used for quantum computing experiments at PSI.


Sophie Cavallini, Research Assistant
After completing a bachelor in Physics Engineering at Politecnico di Milano, I moved to ETH for the master in Quantum Engineering. Following my semester project, I had the opportunity to stay at TIQI as a research assistant having some more fun in the waveguides subgroup. This time designing a tunable integrated SiN laser.


Mabritto Chidzahi, Master Students

After earning my Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Turin, I pursued a Master's degree in Quantum Engineering at ETH Zurich. Throughout my studies, I had the opportunity to work on a versatile RF source for quantum optics experiments, contribute to the development of an entangling gate with superconducting qubits, and complete an internship focused on designing the next generation of control systems for quantum experiments.
I became deeply fascinated by the technical challenges in the field and the high standards of the systems used. My attention was particularly drawn to the interface between classical control systems and the physical platforms utilized in quantum information experiments. To further explore this interest, I joined the TIQI group for my Master's thesis, which aims to enhance control systems to enable the implementation of more sophisticated experimental schemes.

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