Permanent Members

Group Leader

Prof. Dr. Jonathan Home, Group Leader

tiqi Jonathan Home

I studied at Oxford for undergraduate and PhD studies (the latter in the group of Prof. Andrew Steane). I enjoyed working with trapped ions, so moved on to N.I.S.T., where I was a post-doc under Dr. David Wineland. My CV can be found Download here (72 KB)

tel: +41 44 633 31 66
email: jhome(at)


Mirjam Bruttin, Administrative Assistant

tiqi Mirjam Bruttin

Prior to joining ETH in February 2014, I worked at Buehler AG and SRF (Swiss Radio and Television) as a senior purchasing manager for several years. In addition I have a diploma in event management.

tel: +41 44 633 22 95
email: mirjam.bruttin(at)

Senior Scientists

Daniel Kienzler, Senior Scientist


I studied Physics at Humboldt University Berlin and ETHZ and wrote my Diploma Thesis on Astroparticle Physics in the group of F. Pauss/A. Biland. For my PhD in trapped ions I joined the TIQI group. After a post-​doc in the NIST ion storage group, I returned to the TIQI group supporting existing experiments and pursuing my own research efforts.

tel: +41 44 633 37 45
email: daniel.kienzler(at)


Florentin Reiter, Oberassistent


I did my PhD in Theoretical Quantum Optics at the Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, where I worked on quantum information protocols for open quantum systems. In my postdoctoral research at the Institute of Quantum Optics and Quantum Information in Innsbruck and at Harvard University, I focused on quantum error correction, quantum metrology, and quantum many-body physics. Since 2019, I am at ETH Zürich, where I am leading the theory sub-group of the TIQI group based on an SNSF Ambizione grant.
In 2022 I joined the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Solid-State Physics (Fraunhofer IAF) in Freiburg, Germany, where I lead the Business Unit external page Quantum Systems

tel: +41 44 633 20 75
email: freiter(at)


Peter Clements, Quantum Engineer (QEC)


After having received a Master and Engineering degree in Electronics and Telecommunications from ENSIL (France), I have been working mainly on PCB layout design. Moreover, I was active with the testing, debugging, programming, repair and purchase of electronics.

tel: +41 44 633 41 76

Bahadir Dönmez, Software/System Engineer


After earning my dual bachelor's degrees in Electrical & Electronics Engineering and Physics from Bogazici University, Türkiye, I pursued a master's in Quantum Engineering at ETH Zurich. During my studies, I participated in multiple internships in the QUDEV group, focusing on superconducting quantum devices, and dedicated my master's thesis to developing a signal generation system for quantum gas experiments within the Quantum Optics group. My experience also includes an internship at Zurich Instruments, where I sharpened my Python software development skills for quantum experiment control.

As an Embedded System Engineer in the TIQI group, I combine my knowledge and skills in embedded systems, quantum technologies, and software development to design and optimize control hardware and software for state-of-the-art quantum experiment setups.

email: doenmezb(at)

Post-doctoral research assistants

Jeremy Flannery, Post-doctoral Research Assistant


After completing my undergraduate BSc degree in physics at the University of Western Ontario (UWO), I earned my MSc at the University of Waterloo (UW) researching polymer physics using Raman spectroscopic techniques in the group of Prof. James Forrest. I then decided to focus my research on quantum information by earning my PhD at the Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC) at UW in the group of Prof. Michal Bajcsy studying enhanced light-matter interactions with ultra-cold atomic clouds. I joined the TIQI group as a postdoc working towards using quantum error correcting techniques on trapped ions.

tel: +41 44 633 26 89
email: jflannery(at)

Pavel Hrmo, Post-doctoral Research Assistant


Following my undergraduate studies in Physics at the University of Edinburgh, I attended the Centre for Doctoral Training in Controlled Quantum Dynamics at Imperial College London to obtain my MRes. I stayed at Imperial to pursue a PhD, investigating the potential application of Penning traps to quantum information processing. Afterwards, I moved to the Ion trapping group at the University of Innsbruck to do postdoctoral research on scalable quantum information processing in surface Paul traps. I joined TIQI to combine my research interests and implement a surface Penning trap capable of trapping arrays of ions.

tel: +41 44 633 26 89
email: pahrmo(at)

Diana Prado Lopes Aude Craik, Post-doctoral Research Assistant


I'm a Marie Skłodowska-Curie (MSCA) Fellow in physics working on isotope-shift (IS) spectroscopy of trapped ions to search for new physics. During the outgoing phase of my fellowship, I worked with the Vuletić group at MIT on IS spectroscopy of ytterbium ions. At the TIQI group, I will work on precision spectroscopy of calcium ions. I completed my undergraduate studies in physics at MIT and my DPhil at the University of Oxford. Most of my research so far has been in precision measurement and quantum computing with trapped ions, but I have also had the opportunity to work with nitrogen vacancy centers in diamond at Harvard, with Ron Walsworth and Evelyn Hu.

tel: +41 44 633 66 45
email: dcraik(at)

Fabian Schmid, Post-doctoral Research Assistant


I studied physics at TU Munich and obtained my PhD in the group of Thomas Udem at the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics (MPQ). There, I worked on testing quantum electrodynamics using precision spectroscopy of trapped helium ions. After staying as a postdoc at MPQ for 6 months, I joined the TIQI group where I work on precision spectroscopy of hydrogen molecular ions using quantum-logic techniques.

tel: +41 44 633 66 45
email: schmidfab(at)

Claudia Politi, Post-doctoral Research Assistant


I started my studies in Physics at the Second University of Naples (Italy), where I first became interested in atomic physics. I completed my bachelor's thesis in the group of Prof. Livio Gianfrani on Doppler broadening thermometry. For my master's studies, I moved to the University of Pisa (Italy). There, I became fascinated by laser cooling and trapping of atoms, as well as degenerate quantum gases. This interest led me to join the group of Prof. Francesca Ferlaino in Innsbruck (Austria) as an external master's student. At the end of 2017, I obtained my master's degree and shortly after started as a PhD student in the same research group, focusing on many-body quantum phases of dipolar erbium and dysprosium atoms. In June 2023, I joined the TIQI group as a postdoc, working on quantum information with circular Rydberg states.

tel: +41 44 633 36 39
email: cpoliti(at)

Henrik Hirzler, Post-doctoral Research Assistant


I am working on quantum computing with trapped ions and integrated optics in the TIQI group as an ETH Zurich Postdoctoral Fellow. My academic journey began with undergraduate research on Rydberg atoms at the University of Heidelberg. I then pursued a PhD in the Gerritsma group at the University of Amsterdam, where I investigated interactions between trapped ions and neutral atoms. Following my PhD, I worked on trapped ions at Aarhus University (Prof. Michael Drewsen) and most recently, I explored dipolar physics with ultracold molecules in Prof. Jun Ye's group at JILA.

tel: +41 44 633 28 24
email: hhirzler(at)

Matteo Mazzanti, Post-doctoral Research Assistant


I am an external page NWO Rubicon fellow working on the Penning micro-trap experiment. My expertise spans atomic physics, quantum information, and quantum optics. I am particularly interested in developing new trapped-ion platforms, probing unusual quantum states, and exploring new methods for engineering interactions between ions. I earned my PhD at the University of Amsterdam in Rene Gerritsma’s group, where I worked on combining trapped ions with optical tweezers for applications in quantum computing and simulation.

tel: +41 44 633 31 43
email: mmazzanti(at)

Nick Schwegler, Post-doctoral Research Assistant

Nick Schwegler

I've completed my Bachelor and Master in physics at ETH Zürich. During my Master studies, I've become more and more interested in the field of quantum computing. Having learned about trapped ions in many lectures, I've joined the TIQI group for my Master's thesis. After completing my thesis, I've started working on the molecule project as a PhD student.

tel: +41 44 633 23 29
email: snick(at)

Martin Stadler, Post-doctoral Research Assistant


After my Bachelor in physics at TU Graz, I decided to continue my studies at ETH Zürich. Several lectures on QIP caught my interest on the topic, which lead to a semester project in the TIQI group on improving the controllers for the laser locks used in the labs. Determined to dig deeper, I appended my Master thesis here as well.

tel: +41 44 633 66 45
email: mastadle(at)

PhD students

Tanja Behrle, PhD Student


For my Bachelor's thesis I studied ultracold atoms in the Synthetic Quantum Systems group and later on as a research assistant in the Ultracold Quantum Gases group at the University of Heidelberg. During my graduate studies I got curious about quantum computing and decided to explore the field with a Master’s thesis in the Superconducting Quantum Devices group at the University of Oxford. Today for my PhD I am keen to continue working on quantum information combining it with quantum optics in the Trapped Ion Quantum Information group at ETH Zurich.

tel: +41 44 633 23 29
e-mail: tbehrle(at)

Tobias Sägesser, PhD Student


After completing my Bachelor degree at ETH, I stayed here for my Master. Several lectures on Quantum Information, some of them held by TIQI people, sparked my interest in the field and so I joined the group for my Master thesis. Having enjoyed my time here, I am now staying as a PhD student working on the Penning trap experiment.

tel: +41 44 633 26 89
email: tobiass(at)

David Holzapfel, PhD Student


I studied physics at the University of Konstanz. I concluded my studies by investigating nonlinear dynamics of nanomechanical systems. During my Master studies, however, I got interested in quantum information and quantum computing. Therefore, after finishing my studies in Konstanz, I decided to shift gears and persue a PhD in trapped-ion physics. That is why I moved to Zürich to join the TIQI group, were I've now started working on the molecule project.

tel: +41 44 633 76 79
email: dholzapfel(at)

Alfredo Ricci Vasquez, PhD Student


I did my undergraduate studies in physics and electrical engineering at Universidad de los Andes, Colombia. There I did my physics thesis in quantum optics, using polarization and space variables to store information. After this I did my master studies at The University of Edinburgh, and my dissertation consisted is studying the use of randomized benchmarking to test ion trap digital quantum simulators. After this projects I decided that I wanted to work on quantum information theory using trapped ions, so I joined the TIQI group for my PhD.

tel: +41 44 633 93 43
email: aricci(at)

Luca Immanuel Huber, PhD Student


After completing my bachelor in physics at ETH Zurich and continuing as a master student at the same university, I became particularly interested in quantum information and its experimental realizations, which led me to do a master thesis project in the field of group IV colour centres in diamond in the group of Mete Atatüre at the University of Cambridge. Totally fascinated and determined to continue research in experimental quantum information, I returned to ETH Zurich and got the opportunity to join the TIQI group.

tel: +41 44 633 21 28
email: huberl(at)

Ivan Rojkov, PhD Student


I started my bachelor in physics at EPFL in Lausanne and after a successful graduation I decided to move to ETH Zürich for my master's studies. Always fascinated by the quantum mechanical world, I've discovered throughout various lectures that one can use its power for many information related tasks. This motivated me to focus my studies on quantum engineering. After my master's thesis in the TIQI group, I had the opportunity to continue with a PhD during which I will try to make a valuable theoretical contribution to the group's research.

tel: +41 44 633 28 14
email: irojkov(at)

Gillen Beck, PhD Student


I studied both physics and mathematics as an undergrad at Washington and Lee University in the USA. Between a summer with the nanofabrication research group at NIST and a class on quantum algorithms, I knew I wanted to dive into experimental quantum information processing during my Master's at ETH. Classes here have only solidified that interest, and I'm excited to be starting with the TIQI group.

tel: +41 44 633 31 23
email: beckgi(at)

Wojciech Adamczyk, PhD Student


I received my Bachelors and Masters degree in Physics and Material Science at the University of Cambridge where I became interested in the Atomic and Optical Physics while being lectured by Prof Z Hadzibabic. My route to Ion Trapped ions is somewhat not typical as my previous experiences range from predicting fatigue life of superalloys for Jet Engines under supervision of Dr H Schlums and determining the amount of water vapour in the atmosphere for exoplanet research under supervision of Prof D Queloz.

tel: +41 44 633 09 53
email: wadamczyk(at)

Silvan Koch, PhD Student


Originally from Lucerne, I came to Zurich to study physics. During my master studies, I became increasingly interested in the physics of quantum information processing, which led me to do both my semester- and master thesis in TIQI. After that, it was clear to me that I wanted to do PhD in experimental physics. I'm now working on the optical trapping experiment exploring Rydberg atoms.

tel: +41 44 633 27 72
e-mail: silkoch(at)

Matteo Simoni, Phd Student


I received my Bachelor degree in Physics at the University of Trento. Once at ETH for my Master studies, quantum optics and quantum information processing started intriguing me. After having carried out a semester project in the Quantum Photonics Group, I have joined the TIQI Group to work at the Negative Ions project under the supervision of Dr. Daniel Kienzler for my Master thesis. Having enjoyed my time in the group, I am now starting a PhD during which I will be working on mixed species experiments on the Segmented 3D Trap.

tel: +41 44 633 33 68
e-mail: masimoni(at)

Elias Zapusek, PhD Student


My bachelor studies brought me to Zürich where I got to know the TIQI group. During my master I took a wide variety of courses, but the main thread was quantum information. Previously I had the opportunity to do a master’s thesis in the group.
Now in my PhD as part of the theory subgroup I work on dissipation engineering and its application in quantum algorithms.

tel: +41 44 633 36 39
e-mail: zapuseke(at)

Moritz Fontboté Schmidt, PhD Student


I'm Moritz, a Quantum Engineer! I studied Physics at EPFL and Quantum Engineering at ETH Zürich. I spent a year working with superconducting circuits (both at the Quantum Device Lab/ETH and at IQM in Finland) before switching to trapped ions for my master thesis and now my PhD. I love bosonic error correction and building well engineered experiments. At ETH I had the privilege to start the Quantum Paper Club and the Quantum Engineering Commission. If you don't find me in the lab or the office, I'm probably in the mountains.

tel: +41 44 633 34 65
e-mail: moritzfo(at)

Alexander Ferk, PhD Student


Following a Bachelor in Physics at the Graz University of Technology and a Technical Studentship at ALICE, CERN, I moved to ETH Zürich for my Master’s studies to pursue my interest in quantum information. After a semester project in the Quantum Device Lab I joined TIQI for my Master’s thesis and had the opportunity to continue with a PhD.

tel: +41 44 633 23 31
email: alferk(at)

Yingying Cui, Phd Student


I did my undergraduate studies at the University of California San Diego with a focus on biophysics. During my master's at ETH, I got interested in quantum optics and did a semester project in the Quantum Photonics group. Then, I completed my master's thesis on laser frequency stabilization at the ETHZ-PSI Quantum Computing Hub. Having enjoyed the work in the lab, I joined the Penning trap team as a PhD student.

tel: +41 44 633 28 14
email: yincui(at)

Florence Berterottière, PhD Student


During my undergraduate studies in Physics at Ecole Polytechnique (France), I became increasingly interested about quantum information. I studied Quantum Engineering at ETH for my masters, where I started working with superconducting circuits at the Quantum Device Lab. I switched to neutral atoms for my master’s thesis in the TIQI group, and very much enjoyed my time in the lab. For my PhD, I am discovering yet another exiting field of quantum computing, working with bosonic qubits encoded in the motion of trapped ions.

tel: +41 44 633 36 39
email: fberterottie(at)

Gabriele Giuli, PhD Student


I am a doctoral student in the Trapped Ion Quantum Information Group at ETH Zürich. I graduated in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from Imperial College London and did my thesis at the Photonics Laboratory of ETH Zürich.
Before joining TIQI, I worked on control systems for high power converters (CERN) and unmanned aerial vehicles (Milan Polytechnic). I then moved to quantum optics, working with NV- centres in diamond for hybrid quantum systems.
Here at TIQI, I am working on long ion chains for quantum error correction.

tel: +41 44 633 32 40
email: ggiuli(at)

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