Travel Information

By train

We recommend to use public transportation to get to Arosa. Information on train departures and arrivals is given by the external page SBB online timetable.

Zürich Airport - Zürich HB - Chur - Arosa (change train in Zürich HB and Chur)
ticket price: CHF 55.00 (2nd class, one way)

At Chur you have to change to the Rhätische Bahn (RhB), which will bring you in 60 minutes to Arosa.

The hotel is at 10 minutes walking distance from the station (external page map).

How to get a train ticket:
The SBB travel centre is located below the Airport Center in the Check-in 3 area. The ticket counters are open from 06:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.

Arriving passengers can purchase tickets from the machines in customs halls 1 and 2. There are also more ticket machines directly next to the SBB travel centre.

Tickets for trains, trams and buses can be purchased at the SBB ticket machines (also located in Arrival 1 and 2), the SBB ticket counters, the Service Center, the switzerlandinfo+ counters or conveniently on the Internet or via smartphone. external page

By car

If you decide to go by car, a narrow winding road will take you from Chur in 45 minutes 1320 m up to Arosa. Information about external page traffic and external page road conditions is found in the Internet. About parking, please contact the hotel.

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