Invited Speakers
We are pleased to announce that the following speakers have confirmed their attendance:
K. Asmis, University of Leipzig, Germany
C. Ballance, University of Oxford, UK
M. Barrett, National University of Singapore
R. Blatt, University of Innsbruck, Austria
K. Blaum, MPI for Nuclear Physics, Germany
J. Bohnet, NIST Boulder, USA
A. Browaeys, Institute d'Optique, France
A. Bylinskii MIT, USA
H. Cederquist, Stockholm University, Sweden
D. Comparat, CNRS, France
A. Dantan, Aarhus University, Denmark
O. Dulieu, CNRS, France
S. George, MPI for Nuclear Physics, Germany
M. Grau, JILA, USA
D. Hite, NIST Boulder, USA
M. Keller, University of Sussex, UK
K. Kim, Tsinghua University, China
M. Knoop, Aix-Marseille University, France
C. Koch, University of Kassel, Germany
M. Lemeshko, IST Austria
H. Margolis, NPL, UK
C. Monroe, University of Maryland + JQI (USA)
T. Pfau, University of Stuttgart, Germany
D. Porras, University of Sussex, UK
S. Rangwala, RRI Bangalore, India
T. Rizzo, EPFL, Switzerland
C. Roos, University of Innsbruck, Austria
M. Safronova, University of Delaware, USA
J. Sage, Lincoln Labs, USA
T. Schätz, University of Freiburg, Germany
S. Schlemmer, University of Köln, Germany
F. Schmidt Kaler, University of Mainz, Germany
P. Schmidt, PTB, Germany
T. Softley, Oxford University, UK
R. Thompson, Imperial College, UK
K. Toyoda, Osaka University, Japan
S. Ulmer, RIKEN, Japan
R. Wester, University of Innsbruck, Austria
D. Wineland, NIST Boulder, USA
C. Wunderlich, University of Siegen, Germany